The good news:
There is a movie-star smile in my future.
The bad news:
There was only one way I was going to make this happen, and it involves braces.
So today, against every wish of my heart (except the one for that movie star smile, which apparently was pretty compelling), I allowed my orthodontist to do his thing.
He kept asking me how I was doing. I kept asking him if he meant physically or emotionally.
It's only for 12 weeks. I suppose that is good news too, right? I can do anything for 12 weeks. There are some things I'd rather not do for 12 weeks (and this is one of them), but what's done is done.
If I hadn't pre-paid this man, I am certain I would have bailed on the whole idea.
But, again, what's done is done.
And so the countdown begins...
11 weeks and 6 days to go.
11 weeks, 5 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes and some odd seconds to go....
HEY! Speaking of countdowns... I MUST MUST mention that though competition weekend has come and gone, my 10 pound countdown continues... And in case you were wondering how I was doing:
ONE!!! ONE!!!
One pound to go to reach my goal!!
I dunno sister, I think you may have gotten the bum end of that deal. I remember that you're teeth were pretty close to perfect last time I saw you. Now my teeth on the other hand... I think I should just get dentures!