Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I Miss You, Too!

Busy week for me.
I wish I was actually at the beach.
I would write "I miss you" in the sand just for you.
Then I would run right into that water.
I never check to see if the water is cold when I am at the beach...  because it just doesn't matter.
I think that is because I am from southern California.
When I ran into the water in San Francisco I was sorry.
Really sorry.
And practically frostbitten.
 I guess the temperature of the water matters sometimes, and it would be good to check things out before I fling my entire body into the water.
I will be back soon.
Coming Soon:
30 Days Update
New House Pics
New Adventures!

Oh, and I may or may not be dancing this week.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

My Theme For The Week:

"Good is the enemy of great."
-Author,  Jim Collins

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Attention: My Music Buff Friends!

Yeah - I'm shouting!
You need to know about this:

I have stumbled across a website that allows you to print the first page of sheet music for free.

Also, the website provides a downloadable sheet music Player/Tutorial that will play your selected music for you while you watch along. You can speed things up, slow things down, whatever it takes to get you through a tough spot, etc. You can even raise or lower the key and print.

There is sheet music available for just about any type of instrument.

Why I love this - and think you might too:
I am able to play this game with my children:

"I will get you the first page of any song you love and want to learn to play." (For FREE!!!)
"Once you can play the entire first page, I agree to buy you the rest of the song."

1. My children always have music they love on their music stand.
2. By the time I pay for sheet music, I have a child fully commited to learning the piece (because they already love it and are dying to have the rest). AND I can print it right out for $4-$5 without ever leaving my home.
3. If your child (or you) reach a rough spot - use the player! It is AWESOME!
4. As soon as they knock out the piece they're working on we're back to #1.


(Have I mentioned how much I like this website?)

Here's the website link for MusicNotes.
Go now, and play.
Then, come back and let me know what you think.

You will thank me.
You're welcome.

Monday, September 07, 2009

Labor Day Fieldtrip

Just the girls.
My ears were pierced when I was an infant - for this I must thank my mother, as I am quite certain I'd have lived without ever piercing them if left to my own devices.

(Not into the unnecessary poking with sharp things.)
(Love earrings, though, so thanks Mom.)

I did think about this when my girls were born, but one look at their perfect little chubby faces, and I had to default to the "no unnecessary sharp things" feelings. I figured when my girls were ready the topic of piercing ears would come up, and I promised myself and my chubby babies we'd go when they were ready.
Well... they were ready today.
A "before" shot in the classic moose pose.
Adriana "before".

It takes only nano-seconds for Adriana to identify and select the largest diamonds available. Christiana opts for the ever predictable PINK ones.
It is genius that they pierce both sides at once... if only they could have also pierced both girls at once...
One Happy Girl.
One Nervous Girl.

A few tears were shed.

Christiana was unlucky enough to have one of her piercing-machine-things jam up on one side which required an extra thirty seconds of OUCH! to undo and a second try...

1 Lollipop + 1 Look in the mirror later = 2nd Happy Girl.


(Just so you know, I was very brave.)

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Arizona Rain.

It's such a treat to get a good rain in Arizona.
"Good rain" = Rain that you can play in.
No thunder yelling.
Or lightning threatening to electrocute you every 45 seconds.
. Just

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Challenge Update:

Oh... you thought I forgot, didn't you?
NOPE! The challenge continues!

Here's what I've been up to lately:

Day 11. Cycling
(Well, if you can classify attaching a bike trailer to my daughter's bike -mine had a flat tire- and accompanying my son on a leisurely bike ride to his Boy Scout meeting at church as cycling...)
(No blasphemy intended to my triathlete friends.)

Basically, I rode my daughter's flowery beach cruiser around the neighborhood with Isaac in tow for a half an hour.
(And, I must add, bikes without gears were not intended to tow bike trailers, so this was actually quite a workout - and that is why I am choosing to call this cycling and not "riding my bike" - and not because it actually wasn't my bike.)

(Kinda... only with a bike trailer...)

Day 10. Zumba!
Down and dirty booty-shakin' aerobics, ladies.
Read more about it HERE.
I can count on one hand the number of times I have sweat this much, and that is saying something.
P.S. There was a token man in the class of maybe 50 - 60 women.
I bet they pay him well.

Day 9. Belly Dancing!
Oh YES she DID!

Courtesy of Shimmy on FitTv.

Day 8. Jumping
Don't laugh...
Jumped rope.
Jumped Jacks.
Did Up-Downs.
Oh, you just try doing this for half an hour straight, then we'll talk.
(Remember those calves you wanted?)

Day 7. Core Class
K, if I had been able to just balance myself on that monster globe of a ball, then MAYBE...
Yeah, not so much.

This class should be titled "Beginning Acrobatics with Large Awkward Ball".
Note: Regretting the "no repeats" rule here, because I am dying to try this again.
I think I can... I think I can...

You're all caught up my friends.
Now, how about some ideas please?

Did you not SEE that one of my days was JUMPING?!

Help a girl out!

Kiss My Waistline Goodbye...

(No. I am not pregnant.)

The Cheesecake Factory
Pumpkin Spice Cheesecake
back in season!

Buen Provecho!