Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Dear Santa,

Dear Santa,
For Christmas I would like
an Xbox 360.
Games for my DS.
Legos. A big set not the small ones.
A wii.
A large trampoline for the backyard.
A tetherball set.
Joey (Age 11)
(On the way upstairs to bed, Joey was overheard saying to his cousin Matthew
"Oh man, I should have written that down!)
Dear Santa,
I don't need anything for Christmas. I just want to have a Merry Christmas.
I love you!
Love, Adriana (Age 8)
Dear Santa,
I should ask you how are you doing before I say what I want.
How are you? I want a Barbie.
Christiana (Age 6)
Isaac just wanted Santa's Cookies.
I hope you had a Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Dare I, Really?

Not without help. No, I would not attempt to take another family photo including all four children without help. It has been two years since the last incident:
Christmas 2006

Did I say incident?
Hmm...well, incedentally (or not) I was actually pleased with the results.
Please keep all talk of lighting and clarity to yourself.
Success for me was declared the minute I realized that all had survived the photo shoot without physical harm.
I neither make nor imply the same claim about our emotional well-being.

It took 2 hours to take that photo. Each of the four children pictured (and their mother) (behind the camera) had cried real tears before we were through. What makes me smile (now) is that they all look so peaceful and loving and innocent in the photo.

I vowed never to subject my family to motherly photographic abuse in that way ever again.

The thought of using a professional photographer for a nice Christmas family photo did occur to me. It just didn't occur to me in October, when it was 95 degrees outside (when I should have been thinking Christmas photo shoot?), so that I could have the pictures back in time for the holidays.

Enter Diane. (My SIL)
Oh Diane, I do so love you.
She (what?!) volunteered (you read correctly) to try to capture a snapshot of our family to send out with our cards this year.

Christmas 2008

We were not good clients.

We were late. We wiggled. We whined. We chased ducks.

It got a little dark outside. That's not Diane's fault.

Still, we have a snapshot and nobody cried. I must therefore declare this another successful photographic experience.

I call it "When all else fails, let your children climb trees".

Thank you, Diane.

And thank heaven.

P.S. If you'd like a Christmas card from us, we need your address. If you don't want to be left out, please email it to us even if you think we already have it.

The End.

Monday, December 15, 2008

'Tis The Season

" Ball!"

(Only, not really. )

Actually, I swept that up.

Isaac lost interest and moved on to other things...

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Christmas Lights (And the ridiculousness we are willing to go through for them.)

I am not sure exactly how tall my house is. What I AM sure of, is that it is significantly taller than any ladder I am willing to climb.

Problem: Tall House + Short Ladder + 1 Girl Deathly Afraid of Heights anyway, who is married to a man she would rather not watch fall to his death or dismemberment while indulging her vision of a home trimmed with twinkling white icicles = No Christmas lights.
No way! There had to be a solution.
As it turned out, some of our neighbors with similarly tall houses felt the same way. Only they were more creative than I. And more generous with their time and energy.
The Solution:
They called themselves the Power Ranch Christmas Elves. They drove this monster of a machine through our neighborhood, right onto our driveway, and they had those Christmas lights up in no time.
They did this all weekend long for any neighbor willing to pitch in (nominally) to cover the weekend rent of said machine just so they could hang their own lights.

Here my unscathed husband and little Isaac wave goodbye to our elves as they head a few doors down the street to spread more Christmas cheer.

There is nothing left to worry about except how we are going to get those dang things down.

Turkey Thumbs vs. Cranberries

Once the turkey hits the tupperware, the Montoyas (US!) and the Thomsens (Our neighbors) hit the soccer fields for some of our annual Turkey Bowl action.

Their family versus our family.

It doesn't matter how old you are.

It doesn't matter how young you are.

(Unless you are Jaren or Isaac, because we are going to want to play with the fu-ball too,

and we know you will not give it back to us if we pass it to you.)

You must play.

And if you don't, then phooey on you! Paul tries to prevent injury.

Only, even this stretch could not help him from bruising his ribs when he dove over one of the Thomsen boys going out for an interception.
Can you say die-hard?

Not Cute.

I put on my best game face.

Okay, so it needs a little work.

Our Team - The Cranberries

We had to borrow a few Thomsens this year because of our smaller Montoya showing (and because a few of our best up and coming players are still in diapers), but we were ready to play.

C'mon Montoyas - we need more of you next year!

The Dads lay down the rules.

Joey takes 5 while we set up the cones,

and Isaac lets us know he is ready to play if we need him.

We play until we are pooped.

Turkey Thumbs -1 and Cranberries -1

That's right, a tie.

We all had a good time, and we're too tired for overtime.


Food and Family.
Tell me, what could possibly be better than taking my two most favorite things and squishing as much of them as possible into one day?

This is thanksgiving.

The Turkey & Roast

Waking up at 5:45 is typically not my idea of a good time, but here I make an exception - there is a turkey to prepare, and, I actually think this is fun. The sick truth is that it doesn't matter what time I set my alarm clock to wake me, every Thanksgiving I will wake up some random number of minutes earlier than my clock is scheduled to go off just because I can't wait to get started. A Pretty Place for the Turkey

Christmas Carols are already playing on the radio, and everyone else is just waking up, and I am just making happy in the kitchen dressing up all the tables and cooking.

Next thing you know, the Stephen & Diane Montoyas show up with Diane's fabulicious potatoes and apple crisp, Mom and Gramps put ice-cream in the freezer and Martinelli's on the table, the Durrant family walks in with warm rolls and we have ourselves quite a dinner.

Our Feast

Stephen's mad-carving skills.
I credit him for the beautiful turkey slices on everyone's plates. I also credit him for the beautiful turkey which he graciously contributed our wonderful meal.
And we thought having a dentist in the family just meant beautiful teeth for everyone. Wrong. This year it meant his bonus turkey for everyone too.

What I love... the food, the family, the friends, the relaxation...
And the Cottles - finally caught up with us and joined us for games and leftovers.

A little Texas Hold-Em'
And a little wondering if we are being watched...

So much fun!