Saturday, December 06, 2008


Food and Family.
Tell me, what could possibly be better than taking my two most favorite things and squishing as much of them as possible into one day?

This is thanksgiving.

The Turkey & Roast

Waking up at 5:45 is typically not my idea of a good time, but here I make an exception - there is a turkey to prepare, and, I actually think this is fun. The sick truth is that it doesn't matter what time I set my alarm clock to wake me, every Thanksgiving I will wake up some random number of minutes earlier than my clock is scheduled to go off just because I can't wait to get started. A Pretty Place for the Turkey

Christmas Carols are already playing on the radio, and everyone else is just waking up, and I am just making happy in the kitchen dressing up all the tables and cooking.

Next thing you know, the Stephen & Diane Montoyas show up with Diane's fabulicious potatoes and apple crisp, Mom and Gramps put ice-cream in the freezer and Martinelli's on the table, the Durrant family walks in with warm rolls and we have ourselves quite a dinner.

Our Feast

Stephen's mad-carving skills.
I credit him for the beautiful turkey slices on everyone's plates. I also credit him for the beautiful turkey which he graciously contributed our wonderful meal.
And we thought having a dentist in the family just meant beautiful teeth for everyone. Wrong. This year it meant his bonus turkey for everyone too.

What I love... the food, the family, the friends, the relaxation...
And the Cottles - finally caught up with us and joined us for games and leftovers.

A little Texas Hold-Em'
And a little wondering if we are being watched...

So much fun!

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