Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Dear Santa,

Dear Santa,
For Christmas I would like
an Xbox 360.
Games for my DS.
Legos. A big set not the small ones.
A wii.
A large trampoline for the backyard.
A tetherball set.
Joey (Age 11)
(On the way upstairs to bed, Joey was overheard saying to his cousin Matthew
"Oh man, I should have written that down!)
Dear Santa,
I don't need anything for Christmas. I just want to have a Merry Christmas.
I love you!
Love, Adriana (Age 8)
Dear Santa,
I should ask you how are you doing before I say what I want.
How are you? I want a Barbie.
Christiana (Age 6)
Isaac just wanted Santa's Cookies.
I hope you had a Merry Christmas!


  1. That must make you giggle with happiness. It did to me. I miss your sweet kids!

    Happy New Year. I know you all will be having an incredible celebration. Have fun!

  2. Hey Tina, hope you guys had a great holiday! Letters to Santa always crack me up. Since we were late getting on the ball this year, and believe it or not, I couldn't find the address to mail Santa's letters, we sent him an e-mail. The kids thought that was pretty cool, and they got a reply which they thought was even cooler. Anyway, just saying "hey" and "Happy New Year".

    :) Jared & Ali

  3. Hey Tina, hope you guys had a great holiday! Letters to Santa always crack me up. Since we were late getting on the ball this year, and believe it or not, I couldn't find the address to mail Santa's letters, we sent him an e-mail. The kids thought that was pretty cool, and they got a reply which they thought was even cooler. Anyway, just saying "hey" and "Happy New Year".

    :) Jared & Ali
