Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

(I think these flowers are beautiful.)

It never really feels like Spring to me until Easter Day.

When I was a little girl I used to think that on Easter Sunday, women in church services often dress like easter eggs.

(I still secretly think that.)

(Don't tell anybody.)

On Easter, the Easter Bunny brings each of my kids their very own chocolate bunny.

And, on Easter, we do things a little differently around here.

I leave each of my kids an empty basket outside of their room. When they wake up, they find their easter basket empty. Then, my kids look around and they are delighted when they find eggs. When they're lucky, they even find ones stuffed with candy. The luckiest person finds the one that contains a picture of Jesus Christ in it - that person gets a special surprise gift that everyone is waiting to see.

We do this to re-enact the resurrection. Mary Magdalene went to visit Jesus's tomb and found it empty (empty baskets). She searched and found Jesus (delighted). She got an (extra special surprise) when she realized he was as present and living as ever...

and the others couldn't wait to see.

You might wonder if I believe all of this.

Yes. I do.

Happy Easter!

I hope your day was filled with happy moments, happy people and happy memories!

1 comment:

  1. I remember your Easters. So full of good lessons on the Savior. Miss you guys!
