Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Unbroken = My theme for the week.

#1 - Me - The summer flu has finally departed. Well, there is that lingering phlemy cough, charming, no?

#2 - My computer. It lives again. Without pretty much everything - pictures, documents, short stories - "System 32" (for all you mega-techies out there) gone! Well, now they're back. Mostly. Thank you Geek Squad - today you are my heroes. P.S. I think the capes would be a nice touch. Don't hate me.

#3 - My son. Joey. He has survived the 11-hour trip SOLO to Puerto Rico - braving two planes, a layover, a 2 hour delayed flight - and has arrived safely into the arms of the great-grandparently spoiling types.

#4 My camera. (So far.) Though you will not see pictures for the next 10 days. Said camera has accompanied said son on a certain trip to Puerto Rico on the premise that should the over-priced highly breakable device actually survive, the pictures and videos captured should be priceless.

And finally, #5 - My will to survive. Though #1 through #4 each succeeded in causing a great deal of drama in my life this week.

1 comment:

  1. I missed you so much this weekend. We were beat after our long night and flight. I am sure Paul will need the catch up sleep too. Oh, man, SO tired. Love you!
