A happy loner.
At least for short periods of time.
Several people felt better because I was sad to leave them at the airport last week:
I dropped Joey off Monday for his two weeks in Puerto Rico.
Adriana - Tuesday for 10 days in Wichita.
Paul & Christiana - Thursday for 4 days in Wisconsin.
Lela (my bestie who was staying with us) - Thursday also - and she's not even coming back... well, not to our home anyway.
Sure, I was sad to see them go.
For about twenty minutes.
(You see, I am not totally heartless.)
Then it dawned on me:
Nobody was messing up the house right now.
I could eat cereal for dinner, and sleep right smack in the middle of the bed.
I could crank down the AC and hog the blanket and stack my pillows 4 high.
I did not have to lock the bathroom door, and I was never stranded without toilet paper.
All of the laundry was done by the time I went to bed.
All of the laundry was still done when I woke up.
Also, when I woke up, the other half of my bean burrito was still in the fridge.
I had four days of complete domestic deconstruction and no witnesses.
Well, Isaac didn't notice.
Sure, I love my family.
And I even missed them...
But, I did receive phone calls from 3 different states and 1 island every single day.
I also received several unexpected drop by visits from my mother-in-law.
You know how much I love that.
And now, now, I am so glad most of my family is back, and I can hardly wait for my last two to get home.
(That means you must give them back Mom & Gramita)
(I mean it. No funny business about finders keeepers.)
But all of this after those first four days.
Those four days alone - with nothing to do - were dang near paradise for a girl who hasn't been left alone in her own home for 13 years.
Seriously, just say that out loud.
I am not saying that I prefer the loner plan long term,
but as for enjoying it short term:
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