Monday, June 22, 2009

Happy Birthday!

To me!
It is.
Even though I have the flu.

It's a wonderful birthday because I am alive.
I don't mean I am alive in the literal breathing sense - I mean ALIVE:
Truly engaged in living my life to it's absolute most joyful potential.
Doing what brings me joy, and passing on the things that don't.

I am so glad I have learned how to do this!
I suppose I owe it to my years... though I prefer not to count them.

It is hard to be in a stinky mood about getting older when all I can do is wonder at how blessed I am to have so many loving people, moving moments, and downright good times sprinkled along this chaotic little life of mine.

Thank you for being a part of it.


  1. Tina,

    You are an amazing Mother,Daughter, Sister, and Friend. I am so blessed to have you in my life. I am definately glad you were born. Sorry I wasn't able to be there for your Birthday celebration. I love you!!!
