Monday, March 30, 2009

10 Reasons You Might Confuse Cabo San Lucas With Paradise:

#1. Everybody from the Bus Driver to the Concierge to the Street Vendor to the person on the next towel at the beach treats you like family. Royal family.

A snapshot from one of our walks.

#2. Morning temperature 75 degrees. Midday temperature 85 degrees. Evening temperature 70 degrees.
#3. The price of admission is high, but you find yourself willing to pay the price.

View from our table at our favorite lunch spot.

#4. Palm trees, white caps, sunlight reflecting on the water, casual barefoot strolls along the beach and an occasional whale breaching in plain sight from the shore.

Something about the cute towel creatures in our room everyday made me smile.

#5. Fresh, warm, homemade tortillas.

The head of the Portuguese Man-of-War sticking out of the sand that was inches a way from my foot when a kind fellow beach goer pointed it out.

#6. Nobody is wearing a watch.

#7. Seriously, I didn't see any watches!

#8. Some Cabo-rific magic spell comes over you and makes you feel young, well-rested, newly-wed, stress-free, care-free, and as if time has stalled at the best possible moment. (thus, no watches?)

#9. Fish tacos, Mexican hot chocolate, and cheesecake in abundance. (Okay, I may have been personally responsible for the abundant cheesecake.)

And #10... It is exponentially better than you can imagine it to be, there is no description that will do it any justice, and there is no substitution for a personal trip.


  1. All I want to know is where did you find the cheesecake and why didn't you share? I was so sweet deprived by the time we got home! I was sucking down those Coca Cola Lights just for a taste of sweet, lol!

  2. Oh, it is not very nice the way I refuse to share cheesecake. Try not to take it too personally.

    What was very nice, was the fact that there is no such thing as "diet coke" in Cabo. "Coca Cola Light" could be a contender for reason #11.

  3. Tina, I'm so so very happy that you and Paul got to go off together. I'm so happy that you could go to such a great place! I'm happy you could blog and share and brag and gloat in your happiness! I totally know and understand the feeling of being with my honey in a good vacation place and enjoying the sights and scenes, sounds and tastes-all along with my true love! Makes life greater!
