Saturday, January 24, 2009

I Need To Have a Word...

A word other than "diet" to describe this voluntary food rationing period that I am undertaking.
The thing is, I don't even like the word diet.

It makes me cranky.
(Or is the crankiness just the byproduct of the new anti-fatness eating plan?)

So please, I need another word
- one that does not connotate fruitless cycles of culinary deprivation.
Help me out all you creative wordsmiths - I can not spend one more day on a "diet".

Any suggestions?


  1. How about -- Path to Wellness??

  2. You are just "living" (eating the bare minimum as to survive. hehe.) not dieting. Puhlease... haha.. you are my hero!

  3. Tina, here is a simple truth for you. No one likes the word "diet". It ALWAYS has a negative neuroassociation because of the first three letters....
    Don't spend energy on coming up with a new buzz word. When you're starving to achieve a weight loss goal every ounce of energy counts. Just post that picture of the skinny b#@*ch you want to be on your mirror so you see her every morning & night. ;) You go girl! PS. You can take comfort knowing how great you'll look next to my squishy white tush in Cabo! ;)

  4. The laughter and general pleasantness of my nature today must mean that the scale relief word replacement plan is already working!

    I love my friends!
