Monday, November 02, 2009

Tricked-Out for Treats!

Happy Halloween!

Our family is still recovering from a weekend of sugar highs and subsequent crashes.  It is a lovely thing when Halloween  falls on a weekend.  I don't feel the need to pin disclaimer notes to my childrens' backpacks for what their teachers are about to experience...

For Example:

**Teacher Beware!**
Kids + Holiday + Sugar + Lack of Sleep + School = Disaster

I would keep my children home after holidays like these, except for that teensy part of me that considers these times payback for randomly scheduled half-days and teacher development vacations.

Ah well, this year we all got off easy. 

About The Costumes:

Grandma Loree decided to have a "Choose your own costume" theme party at her home, where the kids got to assemble costumes out of stuff she had "around". 
I am big enough to admit that I did not even need to see the costumes and I was already a little scared.
I am also big enough to admit when I am wrong.

(This time.) 
(Don't get used to it.)

The home-grown costumes were GREAT!
Have a look-see:

Secret Agent J

Dancing Queen:

My Mini Wahine.

Grandma Loree:
I thank you. 
My pocketbook thanks you.
Yay for grandmas!

Isaac adhered himself to this little lion costume during a trip to Old Navy a couple of months ago:

Little Lion

And I, I opted for the cop-out of diving into my dance gear for a costume. 

I love that I have several feet worth of hair, fake eyelashes, and flamenco roses at my daily disposal around the house. 

Note to self: Authentic flameco shoes are not designed for walking miles and miles while trick-or-treating with the kids.

The night ended with an intense round of commodity trading. 


Also, there were the customary parental fees and losses.

Especially Tootsie Rolls and Laffy Taffy which I convinced the children would cure my aching feet. 

(Okay, they weren't wholly convinced.)
(But I actually did feel better after eating a pound of Tootsie Rolls & Laffy Taffy.) 
(Try it.)


  1. I love the costumes! I think I danced in Adrianna's costume once upon a time. hehe. Joey looks totally mysterious too. Mom told be about the costumes and I was so happy to see the kids in them. I miss your kidos!

  2. Yeah! Adriana LOVES that her "Dinda Dinda" wore her costume Once upon a time... it has now been raised a level on the heirarchy of coolness.

    The whole holiday just went over a whole lot better than the "Mom is too cheap to buy costumes" theme I was expecting. ;]

  3. Those costumes turned out great!!! So creative! and so fitting for each of your personalities... I agree with the paybacks too!

  4. Thank you! We sure had fun dressing up!

    And, Thank you. Half-days and mid-week holidays should be illegal. They are the source of much stress and inconvenience.

    (Much like sugar-high kids at school?!?)

    Hope you had a great holiday - oh, I am betting your kids were so cute too!
