Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Maybe The BEST Idea Ever!

Well, yes, there was electricity... Oh, and penicillin... The airplane... But just humor me for a moment, because this is revolutionary!

Concept: The Fit Flop. Shoes that shape your legs as you wear them.

You haven't known me long if you didn't already know that happiness often comes in the form of a shoebox for me. It is a bit of a condition really, but that is a story for another day. Imagine my delight when my fabulous sister in law, Diane, informed me that two of my greatest loves - Shoes AND Exercise had been combined into one!

Out of my way, people!

I could not find them fast enough. Nor could the internet deliver them fast enough, so Diane & I headed down for a fit flop purchasing excursion first chance we had.

(If you are already on board and impatient like me, Macy's keeps them in stock.) (If you are not already on board - did you not see those legs? I know... once a shoe dog, always a shoe dog.)

Definition: "Shoe Dog" - One (like me) who has sold shoes for a living at some point, loved it, and is now forever a shoe advocate - Selling shoes (almost by accident at times) to any and all who will listen.

Do they work? I almost don't care - they are actually quite cute, comfortable, and I want a shot at those legs. (For the record - It could be my imagination, but I really do believe I have noticed a difference in the tension in my leg muscles as I walk. Could this be magic? Confirmation that a higher power really does look after my interests here in this life?)

I have already been back to buy my second pair. YES, Diane, it is true.

I have already made mention of my condition, and I will just leave it at that.

1 comment:

  1. I have truly had some calf muscle soreness since wearing these babies. I have you to blame and thank and hug and hate! Hooray for hot legs!
