Wednesday, November 18, 2009

My Theme For The Week:

And I just love this one...

"We must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us."

-Scholar, Joseph Campbell

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

It's All About the Ice Addiction...

The hundreds of naughty late-night runs to Sonic...
The gallons of Diet Dr. Pepper consumed...

(Be honest - Diet Dr. Pepper does not truly capture the essense of  "The Original Taste That I Love So".)

What keeps us running out at 10:38 P.M.
on nights when we really should be sleeping
because tomorrow is a holiday which means no school
which means all kids at home
which means I will need energy
and therefore sleep...

What keeps us running out to Sonic
paying for AND drinking soda that I do not love
on nights like tonight

is crunchy ice balls.
And large red straws.

But mostly the ice balls.

(I come from a lineage of notorious ice-chompers.)
(We promise not to do it if we are out to eat with you.)

I chug down soda after soda as a necessary evil to get to the ice.

Sonic + Ice Balls = Genius.

I would give up my car if I could have a freezer that made ice like Sonic.

I wouldn't need it anymore because perfect little ice balls would already be in my house 
(chilling every drink and not just bad soda)
negating any need for late night Sonic runs.

Is there a 12-Step Program for my ice addiction?

Saturday, November 07, 2009

Happy Birthdays!

Two people I love are celebrating today!
You know who you are.

I Love you!

Love, Me.

Monday, November 02, 2009

Tricked-Out for Treats!

Happy Halloween!

Our family is still recovering from a weekend of sugar highs and subsequent crashes.  It is a lovely thing when Halloween  falls on a weekend.  I don't feel the need to pin disclaimer notes to my childrens' backpacks for what their teachers are about to experience...

For Example:

**Teacher Beware!**
Kids + Holiday + Sugar + Lack of Sleep + School = Disaster

I would keep my children home after holidays like these, except for that teensy part of me that considers these times payback for randomly scheduled half-days and teacher development vacations.

Ah well, this year we all got off easy. 

About The Costumes:

Grandma Loree decided to have a "Choose your own costume" theme party at her home, where the kids got to assemble costumes out of stuff she had "around". 
I am big enough to admit that I did not even need to see the costumes and I was already a little scared.
I am also big enough to admit when I am wrong.

(This time.) 
(Don't get used to it.)

The home-grown costumes were GREAT!
Have a look-see:

Secret Agent J

Dancing Queen:

My Mini Wahine.

Grandma Loree:
I thank you. 
My pocketbook thanks you.
Yay for grandmas!

Isaac adhered himself to this little lion costume during a trip to Old Navy a couple of months ago:

Little Lion

And I, I opted for the cop-out of diving into my dance gear for a costume. 

I love that I have several feet worth of hair, fake eyelashes, and flamenco roses at my daily disposal around the house. 

Note to self: Authentic flameco shoes are not designed for walking miles and miles while trick-or-treating with the kids.

The night ended with an intense round of commodity trading. 


Also, there were the customary parental fees and losses.

Especially Tootsie Rolls and Laffy Taffy which I convinced the children would cure my aching feet. 

(Okay, they weren't wholly convinced.)
(But I actually did feel better after eating a pound of Tootsie Rolls & Laffy Taffy.) 
(Try it.)