Thursday, June 10, 2010

We May Be On To Something...

If we have spoken recently, then I could not resist monopolizing a bit of your time griping about Isaac's laid back approach to potty training. 

He is in this constant state of evolution, as is the case with most 3 year olds, and I am discovering new things about his personality daily. 

Today's discovery = Possible passive-aggressive tendencies. 


Perhaps you, like Pumpkin, are unsure of what you are looking at.
Here's a close-up...

It may be a bit optimisic of me, but I am going to consider this a sign that things are moving in the right direction.


  1. I would say it is deffinitly a step in the right direction,and a story for the future girlfriends that he will bring home.Love it.Tell the kidos Aunti Bobbie sends her love.

  2. Hello there my friend!!! Ran across this and love it! I "hear" there alot of changes in your life. We must get together! Miss you
    PS - House sold in 4 days...renting until Rachyl graduates :-) Anna

  3. Changes... yes... quite a few lately. Not the least of which was completion of potty training!

    Congrats on the home sale Miss Anna! (No small feat in this recovering market...)

    And to getting together: Um, YES! Give me a when and a where and I'll be there!

  4. lol omg how cute!!! he is getting the idea...kinda lol, but im sure he'll get there, we've all had to potty train at some point

  5. this is hilarious! I just clicked 'next blog' and stumbled upon your toilet! Very funny-will follow:)

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