Wednesday, December 30, 2009


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  1. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Now he's a boy and not a toddler! I hope you saved a few curls.

    Still cute anyway:)

  2. Nooooo - did you cry?

    He's so adorably mischievous now!

  3. The eyes always well up a bit when the curls begin to fall... The tears even spill over, just the teensiest bit, when I realize how "grown-up" my baby looks...

    BUT, it is tears of only the purest joy the next morning when I realize I do not need to comb or remove oatmeal from that hair the next day...

    Bittersweet growing up.

  4. Oh my goodness! You are a brave woman. He looks so different! I haven't cut Isa's hair yet either (except for her Jack Jack waaaaay back), but it's coming. I can feel it coming...

    Hope you guys had a wonderful holiday. Happy new year!

  5. Someone knows how to cut hair. Maybe we should have an in house barber shop! Love, Paul
